Here you will find everything you need to get started and evolve as a ChilliSource developer. We have created tutorials from the basic set up, right through to advanced rendering techniques.
Written by the experts behind ChilliSource, we have placed all the learning resources you will need, right at your finger tips. Start learning today and become part of a truly democratic engine.
- Getting Started: What You’ll Need
- Getting Started: Downloading ChilliSource
- Getting Started: Creating a Project
- Getting Started: Building a Project
- 3D Pong: Introduction
- 3D Pong: The Camera
- 3D Pong: The Arena
- 3D Pong: The Ball
- 3D Pong: The Player
- 3D Pong: The Opponent
- 3D Pong: Collisions
- 3D Pong: Lighting & Shadows
- 3D Pong: Conclusion
- Basic Structure
- Life Cycle Events
- Basic Application Example
- Event-driven programming
- Resource Loading
- Materials
- Sprites
- Models
- Moving things around (Transforms)
- Mouse / Touch Input
- Gestures
- UI
- Http Requests
- Tweening
- Lighting
- Cricket Audio